Tuesday, September 20, 2011

iPhone Bullies

My phone is sub par at best.   It is almost as amateur as a phone can get these days.  It doesn't have apps, face time chat, bump technology, a touch screen, or even the internet.  The only things it can do are make calls, text in T9 Word, and calculate tips (be jealous).  Don't hate on me, hater!  Unfortunately for myself, several of my coworkers have iPhones.  To make matters worse, some of them are iPhone bullies.

My amateur phone.

What is an iPhone bully?  I define it as such:
iPhone bully- n. one who owns an iPhone, is obsessed with it, and thinks they are a superior being because of their purchasing an aforementioned iPhone.
Don't get me wrong: I don't dislike either the iPhone or iPhone users.  But beware the iPhone bully.  The ironic thing is this: the more I hear them tell me that I should buy an iPhone and am a complete total idiot for not having one, the less I want one.  Maybe it is out of spite, but the more they push the iPhone in my face, the less I want it.

It is the same with Jesus.  Some people's phones need work (like mine).  A sweet iPhone could sure help someone with a busted phone.  Some people's lives need work (like mine).  Sweet Jesus could sure help someone with a busted life.  Just as some people are iPhone bullies, some people are Jesus bullies.  iPhone bullies judge, make fun of others lacking the iPhone, and try to push iPhones done other people's throats.  Jesus bullies judge, make fun of others lacking Jesus, and try to push Jesus down other people's throats.  iPhone bullies make Apple look bad.  Jesus bullies make God look bad.

Jesus is the most important thing in my life and the best thing that has ever happened to me (some feel that way about their iPhone- trust me, Jesus is better).  The best way to share Jesus is through love, patience, and compassion, not trying to make others feel like idiots for not having Him.  If you have been confronted by an iPhone bully, you shouldn't take it out on Apple.  In the same way, if you have been confronted by a Jesus bully, you shouldn't take it out on God.  Maybe someday I'll get an iPhone... only time will tell.  But in the meantime- don't be a bully. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Biblical Streaker

Every once in a while you hear about someone on the news who gets caught streaking.  What a weird thing to do when bored.  What is this, amateur hour?  I prefer playing video games or watching a movie.  News flash: streaking is biblical.  There is a story at the end of the Gospel of Mark about a streaker.  No information is given about him except that he accidentally went streaking one night.  Some think that the streaker is Mark himself.  None of the other Gospels tell this story, perhaps because they were embarrassed for Mark.

This story is told on the night of Jesus' betrayal and arrest.  Jesus is taken into custody by a mob and his disciples scatter.  This scantily clad bro happened to be with Jesus in the crew when this happens: "A young man, wearing nothing but a linen garment, was following Jesus. When they seized him, he fled naked, leaving his garment behind" (Mark 14:51-52).

That's it.  The streaker boy is never mentioned again in the entire Bible.  Imagine going down in history as being the dude who went streaking while Jesus was getting arrested.  I bet he didn't stop there, I bet he did a lap around the Temple just to be the talk of the town.  The disciples probably gave him a hard time for years about this.

Despite its randomness, I think there is a tasty nugget of spiritual truth embedded in this story.  I hope you thought that it was strange that this dude was wearing nothing bet a bed sheet while hanging out with his crew late at night.  In Jesus' day, after someone was baptized, they received a white sheet to cover themselves.  It represented clothing themselves with a new life in Christ.  Most likely, this bro was a new follower of Jesus and was just baptized.

Unfortunately, when the going got tough, he left his newly found faith behind and ran away naked.  I'm glad that Mark told this embarrassing story (possibly about himself) because we do the same thing.  It is easy to follow Jesus when all is well.  It is easy to leave our faith and run off naked when we face temptation.  It is easy to leave our faith in the dust and run off naked when we should make the unpopular decision even though it is the correct one.  It is easy to leave our faith behind and run off naked when the stress of life bog us down.  I'm glad that Mark told us this embarrassing story.  It is better to be clothed with Jesus during a tough time then take the easy way out and eventually get caught naked.  When the going gets tough, don't be a streaker. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Keep the Change

I do not like change (no, this is not about politics).  I am a control freak.  I like being able to anticipate what a day has in store and do not like surprises.  Someone wise once said "humans are creatures of habit."  I'm not sure who said it and am too lazy to Google it.  The important thing is that he/she is right.  We like being in control of situations and change often makes us uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, we often need to change in order to live the life God has planned for us.  We need to be able to step out of our comfort zones and embrace change.  I have labeled this summer the "Summer of Change."  This summer I was baptized, started a new internship, got engaged, accepted a new job, and am transferring seminaries.  

Everything is changing.  

Despite my resistance to change, I know that God has great things in store for my life.  God is a God of renewal.  He is constantly changing us, shaping us, renewing us.  Don't be afraid of change.  Sometimes we have to let go of something good to allow God to do something great.  It always requires risk and uncertainty, but this is how our God operates.  

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland" (Isaiah 43:19). 

Take a risk.  Embrace something new.  Allow God to do His thing.